Greenpeace are forced to intercept a Shell ship (again ! )

Greenpeace should not have to do this. Shell should be ashamed !! BUT WHAT DO YOU THINK. COMMENT NOW AND GET YOUR VOICE HEARD !!!
10/8/2012 01:33:56 am

Yet again i love what has been done granted as already said Greenpeace should not have to do this and shell should be ashamed of themselves for what they are currently doing. I support what is being done completely and if we don't act who will brilliant. The only thing i don't like about the video is that they don't show the face of the captain after he realizes that he has been boarded keep up the good work ive got your back!

12/11/2012 10:17:28 am

i think this is amazing that we as people can't stop these companies from doing this


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